Our vibe

Good people doing a good job

As simple as it sounds. You’ll see nice and friendly people right off the bat. There are about 50 of us and we like it that way. We strive to build an easygoing and casual atmosphere. We support each other, share a deep trust and simply like our teammates. There’s no tense competition – we’re all team players here. We’re big on sharing: our knowledge, experience, ideas, and all those little things that make us smile.

We’re a close-knit team. This is not a factory where you need to spew new software like on an assembly line. Our office might not be the flashiest out there, but it’s perfect if you prefer a room with 2-3 colleagues, instead of a crowded open space. It’s more like a family business than a big corporate thing. We have a voice and see firsthand how our efforts contribute to the company as a whole. That’s a great feeling 🙂

Life is much more than coding

And we’re planning to make the best of it. We support one another in leading better lives. Motivating others to prioritize their health, make time for loved ones and just unplug. We understand finding a sweet spot between career and personal life is challenging, especially if you’re starting your journey. But we aim to keep a good work-life balance and above all, we encourage everyone to “work to live”, and not “live to work”.

Also, it happens to be that many of us connect at a basic human level. We simply enjoy each other’s company and often hang out outside work. On a regular basis, we take part in:

● team-building trips that last one or two days, but are remembered
much, much longer,
● company events such as children’s day or office Christmas party,
● sports tournaments like races or a run of your choice, that company will sponsor for you.

We know we can totally count on one another in and out of work. As you do with your friends.

Nim się obejrzeliśmy, rok 2024 dobiegł końca. Okazał się pełen ciekawych zawodowych wyzwań, nie zabrakło nam też czasu na integrację. Liczymy, że kolejny będzie nie mniej udany – i kto wie, może spędzimy go w większym składzie 😊A tymczasem - Wszystkiego dobrego w Nowym Roku! ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia życzymy Wam mnóstwo radości, smacznego jedzenia i czasu spędzonego z najbliższymi! Niech te święta będą pełne ciepła, uśmiechu i magicznych chwil. 🎄 ... See MoreSee Less
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10 months ago

Życzymy Wam zdrowych i wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych, smacznego jajka, mokrego Dyngusa i udanego wypoczynku w gronie najbliższych 🙂 🐣🐥🐣 ... See MoreSee Less
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Right people in the right place

Our office in Wrzeszcz is located in a nice old townhouse. Surrounded by greenery and historical buildings. It’s a vibrant neighborhood, full of great places to have a tasty bite, soak in some culture, or just hang out. Inspired to learn more? We’re happy to help.

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Infoprojekt Sp. z o.o.


ul. Jana Matejki 6
80-232, Gdańsk

EU VAT PL 957 078 26 88

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